Estimated Expenses for 2024/ 2025 School Year
LAUSD public schools are funded primarily by two sources - the federal government, in the form of grants and the state of California, in the form of income and sales taxes. Both sources of funding are provided to the district who then allocates the funding to the schools. Funding provided by the state and federal government go toward the basic necessities of the school.
As you could imagine, fundraising is to provide our children with more than the basics is necessary. This is where are very own booster club, Friends of Short Avenue (FoSA), comes in. In 2023/2024 school expenses covered by FoSA were $243,000. The 2024/2025 school year poses a unique challenge with operating expenses rising, federal funding declining due to the changing make-up of our student body, and the increased demand by families to attend. We estimate that our this year expenses needing to be covered by FoSA will reach approximately $340,000.
FoSA ensures that most of the budget is allocated toward funding classroom aides. These aides play a vital role in providing additional care and instruction to our children, enhancing their learning experience. Additionally, FoSA supports various programs such as the Primary Promise program providing necessary reading intervention, Spanish music classes, teacher development, the edible garden, field trips, classroom supplies and much more. These initiatives aim to provide a well-rounded education and enrich the students' overall learning journey. By carefully budgeting and allocating funds, Friends of Short Avenue ensures that Short Avenue elementary school can continue to provide exceptional educational opportunities for its students.